Scientists process the last core on the catwalk and let the IODP Marine Laboratory Specialists take a break. Left: Babu Gyawali (Paleontologist, Tohoku University, Japan) and Lisa Strong (Education Officer, USA). Right foreground to background: Jarrett Cruz (Paleontologist, Florida State University, USA), Camilo Ponton Guerrero (Sedimentologist, University of Southern California, USA), Jang Bahk (Sedimentologist, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea), Lyndsey Fox (Paleontologist, University of Leeds, United Kingdom), Petra Dekens (Paleontologist, San Francisco State University, USA), Diane Hanano (Education Officer, IODP-Canada, University of British Columbia, Canada), Supriyo Das (Organic Geochemist, Presidency University, India), and Adam Klaus (Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Christian France-Lanord & IODP) [Photo ID: exp354_183]