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Sea Trials Transit

Daily Science Report for 23 February 2009

LOCATION: In transit to Honolulu, Hawaii (passing through Marshall Islands)

SCIENCE UPDATE: Readiness assessment and acceptance testing activities continued in parallel to preparation of the cruise report. Core 320T-U1330B-9H was described and processed using petrophysics tracks. Core sediments consist of very light gray nannofossil ooze with foraminifers. Moderate bioturbation was marked by cm-scale yellowish gray mottles and dark pyrite-filled burrows. Moisture and density analyses were performed on Cores 320T-U1330B-1H to 7H. The estimated porosity varies from ~72% at 3 mbsf to ~69% at 60 mbsf and is consistent with Site 807 porosity values. The average bulk and grain density at Site U1330 are 1.5 g/cm3 and 2.6 g/cm3, respectively. Total carbon and organic carbon measurements are being processed for Cores 1H-9H. Core 10H has been reserved to use during the core flow demonstration for Exp 320 scientists.

See detailed transit map

Ship highlight of the day: Chemistry Lab


The Chemistry laboratory is used by shipboard scientists to conduct organic and inorganic geochemical analyses. Instruments are available for determining the source, amount, and maturity of organic matter; carbonate content; and total carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. The Chemistry/Microbiology Labs were expanded by 21%.

Chemistry Lab panoramas (Quicktime VR). Click and drag to pan around. Use the Shift and Control keys to zoom in and out.

See for more details on the ship's new laboratories.

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Modified on Wednesday, 25-Feb-2009 09:19:32 CST.