IODP in the News
Recent News Stories
- Expedition 403: Sailing the Last Expedition of the JOIDES Resolution (2/28/25)
- Precession Drives Atmospheric Circulation Changes Toward Arctic Ocean (1/30/25)
- With venerable ship’s retirement, U.S.-led ocean-drilling program ends (12/11/24)
- China’s ‘dreamy’ new ship aims for Earth’s mantle—and assumes ocean-drilling leadership (12/11/24)
- Choppy seas for deep ocean drilling (12/6/24)
- The value of scientific ocean drilling for early career researchers (12/6/24)
- Looking toward the future of ocean drilling (12/6/24)
- Ocean drilling makes for more robust climate modelling of the future (12/6/24)
- 1.2 Million-Year-Old Deep Ocean Secrets Rewrite the Story of Earth’s Ice Ages (12/4/24)
- Deep-ocean drilling to explore the hydraulic structure of subduction faults (11/15/24)
- Point Nemo, the Most Remote Place on Earth (10/11/24)
- ‘A huge loss’: is it the end for the ship that helped us understand life on Earth? (10/9/24)
- Marine dust identifies 1.5 million year Oldest Ice near South America (9/22/24)
- Aboard the ‘Chikyu’: Searching for New Earthquake Clues Deep in the Japan Trench (9/22/24)
- Is RNA editing one of the keys to deep subsurface survival? (9/21/24)
See all news stories
Recent News Releases
- Mega-iceberg from Antarctica on collision course with South Georgia: harbinger of things to come? (2/24/25)
- Ultra-deep drilling reveals mysteries of Japan tsunami (1/6/25)
- Past climate change shifts ocean currents and winds, altering heat and carbon exchange in the Southern Ocean, study finds (1/1/25)
- Antarctica’s irregular heartbeat shows signs of rapid melting (12/11/24)
- On the trail of the 2011 mega earthquake (12/4/24)
- Deep ocean clues to a million-year-old Ice Age puzzle revealed in new study (11/8/24)
- Epic voyage to uncover what causes tsunamis (10/23/24)
- Buried treasure (10/1/24)
- University takes the helm of global scientific drilling research programme (10/1/24)
- Leicester geoscientist makes expedition to the site of Japanese earthquake (9/16/24)
- Ancient Ocean Sediments Reveal Analog to Human-Influenced Warming (9/3/24)
- SMS graduate student co-author on Science research article after 2-month JOIDES sea expedition (8/28/24)
- What microscopic fossilized shells tell us about ancient climate change (8/26/24)
- Recovery of rocks in Earth’s mantle could reveal secrets of planet’s history (8/9/24)
- Earth’s mantle may reveal origins of life (8/8/24)
See all news releases
Previous Expeditions
- IODP Expedition 401: Mediterranean–Atlantic Gateway Exchange expedition
- IODP Expedition 400: NW Greenland Glaciated Margin
- IODP Expedition 395: Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate
- IODP Expedition 399: Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif
- IODP Expeditions 398: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field
- IODP Expeditions 397: Iberian Margin Paleoclimate
- IODP Expeditions 390 and 393: South Atlantic Transect
- IODP Expedition 392: Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate
- IODP Expedition 391: Walvis Ridge Hotspot
- IODP Expedition 396: Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications
- IODP Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate
- IODP Expedition 385: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere
- IODP Expedition 383: Dynamics of Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current (DYNAPACC)
- IODP Expedition 382: Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics
- IODP Expedition 379: Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History
- IODP Expedition 376: Brothers Arc Flux
- IODP Expedition 375: Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- IODP Expedition 371: Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate
Media Inquiries
For media inquiries, please contact:
Maya Pincus, U.S. Science Support Office, (845) 365-8411,
Sharon Cooper, U.S. Science Support Office, (845) 365-8362, or
Laurel Childress, IODP JRSO, (979) 845-0506.
YouTube Ocean Leadership channel
B-roll footage in Beta SP (NTSC, PAL)