Sunrise view from the top deck. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 026_exp400_0252.jpg]
An Arctic fulmar flies over a mirror-like sea. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 027_exp400_0266.jpg]
Sunrise colors reflect on a calm sea. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 028_exp400_0263.jpg]
William Rhinehart (Operations Superintendent, IODP JRSO) explains the coring process during an operations tour. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 029_exp400_0310.jpg]
Paul Knutz (Co-Chief Scientist, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark) gives a thumbs-up to a drill bit. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 030_exp400_C0076.jpg]
A downward view of drilling implements on deck. The photo shows mostly drill collars, which are used primarily to weigh down the drill pipe and provide the proper weight-on-bit. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 031_exp400_C0063.jpg]
Fawz Naim (Physical Properties Specialist, Ohio State University, USA) poses for a photo with the traveling block. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 032_exp400_C0081.jpg]
Emily Tibbett (Sedimentologist, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) smiles for a photo. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 033_exp400_C0093.jpg]
Osamu Seki (Organic Geochemist, Hokkaido University, Japan) gives a thumbs-up to the traveling block behind him. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 034_exp400_C0100.jpg]
Heike Zimmermann (Microbiologist/Observer, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark) poses for a fun photo. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 035_exp400_C0107.jpg]
Philip Staudigel (Inorganic Geochemist, Goethe Universität, Germany) takes a photo on the core tech roof. (Credit: Philip Staudigel & IODP) [Photo ID: 036_exp400_C0115.jpg]
The JOIDES Resolution sails toward the expedition’s first site on a foggy day. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 037_exp400_0300.jpg]
The core lab and scientists wait ready to receive the first core. (Credit: Libby Ives & IODP) [Photo ID: 038_exp400_C0117.jpg]
Libby Ives (Sedimentologist, USA) examines a Smear Slide Atlas reference slide at the microscope. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 039_exp400_0315.jpg]
Brian Romans (Sedimentologist, Virginia Tech, USA) works on his laptop in the core lab. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 040_exp400_0316.jpg]
An Arctic fulmar flies above the JOIDES Resolution’s wake. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 041_exp400_0275.jpg]
A Siem crewmember travels up the derrick to install the sinker bars to get the first core. (Credit: Heike Zimmermann & IODP) [Photo ID: 042_exp400_C0120.jpg]
Kara Vadman (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) uses a spatula to give the first core catcher sample of the expedition to Volkan Özen (Micropaleontologist, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany). (Credit: Nick Logan, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 043_exp400_0321.jpg]
Siem personnel work on the rig floor. (Credit: Nick Logan, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 044_exp400_0326.jpg]
Waves crash on an iceberg passing close by the JOIDES Resolution. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 045_exp400_0365.jpg]
Oscar Cavazos (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) wears Hawaiian attire on his birthday while working on the catwalk. Happy Birthday Oscar! (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 046_exp400_0377.jpg]
Yuka Yokoyama (Physical Properties Specialist, Tokai University, Japan), left, and Yancheng Zhang (Physical Properties Specialist/Stratigraphic Correlator, Sun Yat-Sen University, P.R. China) work in the physical properties area of the core lab. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 047_exp400_0379.jpg]
Yuka Yokoyama (Physical Properties Specialist, Tokai University, Japan) works on gathering P-wave velocity measurements on a core section half. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 048_exp400_0381.jpg]
Scientists watch as a free-fall funnel is about to be deployed into the moonpool. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 049_exp400_0414.jpg]
With a successful free-fall funnel deployment completed, the doors to the moonpool will close for normal operations. (Credit: Erick Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 050_exp400_0417.jpg]